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Making your text look differentNormal textOne of the most obvious usages for CSS is to change the way text is rendered by the browser. Here is a list of common CSS properties for changing the text layout:
For a more complete list of options take a look at CSS references, e.g. the reference of W3Schools. Here are some examples how to use these options: p,ul,dl,ol,td { color:rgb(89,89,89); font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; } pre,tt { color:rgb(89,89,89); font-family:Courier, monospace; font-size:10pt; } p.header { color:rgb(89,89,89); font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:32pt; } This example taken from the CSS for this manual tells the browser to use a specific type of gray for different kinds of text, to render all text in paragraphs, lists and table cells with some kind of font without serifs (preferably Arial or Helvetica) with the size 10 points. Preformatted text in separate paragraphs or as inline text should be similar but with a monospaced font (Courier if possible), while all paragraphs marked with class="header" should be far bigger (32 points). Note that there a number of different elements that can contain text, make sure that you change the text on all elements you use. This example still ignores the markup in a paragraph like <emph> or <strong>, only the way <tt> should be formatted is declared. Since the given font properties on a paragraph will be reused one way to define the formatting of this markup could be: emph { color: rgb(100,100,0); } strong { color: rgb(150,150,0); } These rules will keep the normal font in the paragraph but change the color used. The default to change the style or weight will be overridden. LinksLinks are worth a separate look since they offer four pseudo-classes which give the option to control their looks in every state they can have. These pseudo-classes are:
These pseudo-classes can be used to integrate the links better into the look of your pages, but be cautious: you can completely hide them this way, relying on the feedback the browser gives by the mouse cursor shape and the focus box to give the feedback that there is a link. Here is again an example from the CSS for this manual: a:link, a:visited { color:rgb(255,50,0); text-decoration:none; } a:hover, a:active { color:rgb(255,50,0); text-decoration:underline; } This drops the distinction between visited and not yet visited links by giving them the same format: a red color and the usual underline is suppressed by setting the text-decoration property to none. This might already be consider a decrease in usability since some visitors might rely on the underlines to pick up links. On the other hand the underlines break the text layout, so you have to do compromises here. Underlines will appear if the links get any kind of focus, either if the user tabs to one with the keyboard or if he puts the mouse over the link. The color will stay the same but we reactivate the text decoration as long as the link has the focus. Again we drop a distinction here: the keyboard focus and the mouse over effect are the same. |